Crazy Monkey Creates

Just another weblog

Rifle Falls trip. June 22, 2007

Filed under: 2007,photography — crazymonkeycreates @ 6:06 am

So, Monday morning, I worked from midnight-10am for the company I work for. I got home around 11:45 and napped until 4 or so. I woke up and watched TV for a while, then Ben came home. About 30 minutes later, he had come up with a great plan. We were going camping with our neighbor Mike. To take pictures. Where, he didn’t quite know, but once Mike got off work.

Long story very short, we left around midnight (after another nap on my part) and got to Rifle Falls State park around 5:30 am. We took about a 3 hour nap (in our easy-to-put-up tent — two poles and a third for the rain hood to keep it open), and it was off to shoot the falls. I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.

Base of the Waterfall

Mountains and Valleys
View atop the falls
Wild Rose

Harvey Gap


3 Responses to “Rifle Falls trip.”

  1. MJ Says:

    Fantastic pics!!
    Thank you for sharing them with us!

  2. anna Says:

    oooh, absolutely beautiful. i’m so glad you had a great trip out in the sun! ๐Ÿ˜€ unplanned trips can be the absolute best! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. margene Says:

    You live in a beautiful place, too!!

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