Crazy Monkey Creates

Just another weblog

I’ve only been knitting since April September 21, 2005

Filed under: Uncategorized — crazymonkeycreates @ 5:28 pm

While I was checking on my current order, I looked back to see approximately when I started knitting. I ordered the Stitch’n’Bitch book on April 2. If we consider that it takes about a week to get books from amazon, I started knitting on April 9th. 4/9/2005. Yes, April of this year. What do you mean I have too many finished objects to be knitting not even 6 months yet?

Harrumph! I’m going back to knitting Ben’s socks.


Woo hoo! Happy birthday to me! :D September 17, 2005

Filed under: Uncategorized — crazymonkeycreates @ 4:12 pm

My birthday was Tuesday, and the KWA party was last night. I spent most of yesterday preparing for it — fruit, veggies, etc. Ann, Anne, Kathy (TOK), Liesel, MJ (complete with Jr. and Hubby), and my friend Kelly came to my house to celebrate the loss of my 20’s. I’m now officially 30, and can’t be trusted.

I’ve been a bad knitter, and been too busy to get any knitting done. Bad knitter! Bad! Bad! Well, I *did* cast-on for Ben’s sock, but that’s about it. Since I traded Tuesday for Saturday at work, I’m at work today. I don’t have the concentration for toes yet, so I’m knitting ribbing on Ben’s sock. Size 2 needles, 75 sts, k3p2 rib. Exciting.


What were they thinking? September 6, 2005

Filed under: Uncategorized — crazymonkeycreates @ 4:11 pm

While waiting for my YouKnitWhat fix, I was looking for sock patterns. I had seen 80 bazillion of the same cuff-down sock pattern, and then… I came across these. Not all sock patterns, but, um… What were they thinking??!?

Ok, these are socks. Socks with loops. For children, supposedly. Obviously for naughty children who don’t listen to their parents, because I can’t imagine anyone over or under the age of 12 begging mommy for these.

These are called “Knitted Squiggle Beasties”, and they give me nightmares just looking at them. Scary otherwordly masses of felted yarn have come to take over the world. I welcome our yarny overlords!

I found these “Sandal socks” to be … well… um… too much. Obviously, too much is not enough is about all that I can say about these socks. I’d say the 80’s called and want their socks back, but I can’t remember seeing such. The colors, the patterning, and the BEADS work together to make me hate these socks.

Ok, to leave you scratching your head and sweating profusely from your feet, I present the link to THRUMMED SOCKS. Yes, you heard right. Someone thought wool socks aren’t warm enough, double-knit wool socks aren’t warm enough either, so let’s put wooly bits in them to make the feet feel like they’re in an inferno! (Yes, yes, there are parts of the world that would benefit from this, but those places are small and inhabited by snow-people.)


Happy frickin’ Labor Day September 5, 2005

Filed under: Uncategorized — crazymonkeycreates @ 3:26 pm

I’m celebrating Labor Day this year by being at work. We’ve already had one “fire” this morning, so I’m not especially optimistic for the rest of the day. I want to be with my knit group, not in front of a computer. I want to be knitting and chatting, not grumbling and working. Sigh. C’est la vie, I guess. I *am* getting paid 8 hours holiday pay in addition to my 10 normal hours today.

I need to re-ball my sock yarn before I start my second sock. My ball winder is on its way, but since there’s no mail today, it’ll be tomorrow at least before I get it. And of course, I won’t have much time until Thursday or Friday (as I commute 1h, work 10h, commute 1h). I don’t think I’ll suffer from SSS (Second Sock Syndrome) as I really enjoyed my first sock. Toes rock.

I’m indentured to the tune of:
One set monster slippers (SNBN)
One pair grey socks with blue toes & heels
One pair tan socks with blue toes & heels

Ben went to 2 LYS’s with me this week, and we bought the yarn and needles to complete the above projects. So, those are on my list. I haven’t finished the sweater yet — I’m taking a sock break from the endless stockinette (another 13″ of it) for the hood. Eris is waiting for me, too.